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Wars have been fought. wars have been known to destroy worlds. here, on azeroth, it is easy to see. to see what war has done to the sister world draenor, or what is left of it. it can also be seen on the maelstrom on our greatest of seas. wars bring suffering, bring death and is the reason for many partings and tears. yet where things burn to ashes, new hope may be reborn. this hope was the rising covenant, founded by malaken malor.

And so the eras passed with the years and the seasons; from the malor dynasty to the frostgroves, to the aronuan imperium, and to the reformation of the malors and most recently the arbitership of the harbringer of severance, sandarukai lightforger. from what began as a covenant bloomed a grand imperium; the seo imperium.

Many things have changed in what short a timespan. leaders pass away, resign or retire. hero's lives and achievements turned to legends, and legends turned to myths. though as the cycle went on and on, names were never forgotten  and the values never left to be blown away like sand. the perseverance of the values was what had kept it alive, and what has kept the imperium strong. these values were honesty, pride and unity.

there is a great storm on the horizon. would you answer the call to arms? there are threats to our way of life on all fronts. would you let  the innocent die at your feet? in this new age of war we must come together, for justice, for honor, and for all that remains good in this world. speak the oath and stand in unity for the greater good.

Ilsaryn, during the Reign of Sandarukai

I will to the Imperium
be true and faithful
I shall love all which it loves,
and shun all which it shuns.
For I am Imperium.
Of honor within,
of fear without.
Pro Seo Imperium.

No gun, no shell. No demon in hell, shall break this bond called my brother

© 2023 by Johan Cage. All rights reserved.

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